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Appoint the Relevant Areas of Promise

By Steve Genco

Retail tip on visual attention on websites

Check for bottom-up visual attention. Extensive eye-tracking research has documented that bottom-up attention is automatically activated, without conscious control, immediately when a person sees something new in his or her visual field. People unconsciously divide web pages into areas of promise. Some features of viewed objects are naturally visually salient, which means they automatically attract bottom-up visual attention. Examples are brightness relative to the background, distinct borders, the center of the viewing area, tight groupings of visual objects, overlapping items, movement (especially around the edges), faces and locations where faces are looking. 

These automatic attractions are so predictable that we can find good results without eye-tracking. The software can deliver up to 80% accuracy compared to a real eye-tracking study, which saves a lot of money.

Steve Genco is a director at Intuitive Consumer Insights. He is co-author of Neuromarketing for Dummies.
