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Receive a FREE neuromarketing book!

By Simone Oude Luttikhuis

NMSBA Publication Series 
As of today the NMSBA launches the Neuromarketing Publications Series. The series covers interesting topics related to neuromarketing, written and endorsed by NMSBA members.

And the best news? 
9202caff-e386-4bd2-9a9c-3a315a718536.jpgAll new* gold and platinum members in June and July will receive a FREE copy of 'Shopper Marketing, Neuromarketing Strategies to Win the Battle at the Shelf' from Carl MacInnes & Peter Steidl. 

Become a member* now and the book will be sent to you right away!
* Existing members who renew their gold or platinum membership in these months will receive the book as well
